TellMe is a powerful tool to find SAC cases through the victim's behavior on the internet.
Defining the problem
Current solution and its limitations
Testing process
Services offered
User adoption
Risks and mitigation
Product functionality
Impact stats
High-level next steps over the course of 3 months
Product risks and mitigation
Outstanding questions that still need to be answered
The Problem
The internet has made it too easy for abusers to share child sexual abuse material. They create images and videos with an audience in mind. That content gets shared widely beyond the initial targets – recirculating the image, perpetuating the abuse and re-traumatizing the child. Peer to Peer and chat sites are among the many places where online child sexual abuse is discussed and distributed with like-minded individuals.
As technology advances, new forms of this crime emerge. Never before has it been easier for perpetrators to make contact with children, share images of abuse, hide their identity and profits – and inspire each other to commit further crimes.
The Persona
Mia is one of the 63,000 children who became a victim of sexual abuse each year.*
She has access to the internet and phone, but she is afraid to seek help. Only 38% of the victims will tell someone and it creates a great opportunity for the abuser to use the abusive content online.
The internet has made it too easy for abusers to share child sexual abuse material. They create images and videos with an audience in mind. That content gets shared widely beyond the initial targets – recirculating the image, perpetuating the abuse and re-traumatizing the child. Peer to Peer, and chat sites, are among the many places where online child sexual abuse is discussed and distributed with like-minded individuals.
As technology advances, new forms of this crime emerge. Never before has it been easier for perpetrators to make contact with children, share images of abuse, hide their identity and profits – and inspire each other to commit further crimes.

Product Functionality
Our unique advantage is combining structure in the complex emotional interactions of a victim’s perspective with NLP to help them feel safe to open up slowly through the game.




Our customers are all the platforms which provide an online presence for children
Partnering with companies such as Rainn
The Goal of the Product
Our success is measured by how many children we’ve
helped save.
The goal is to connect hidden young victims of sexual abuse to trained and vetted therapists and professionals ( “Bidygoo” characters in the app which is connected to the hotlines )
Based on the researches ( Slide 5 ) in the US, one out of ten kids will experience sexual abuse before the age of 18, and 75% will never tell anyone in the first year. When we reach 100K kids in 2019, It means that at least 1 out of 20 of our target market ( children till 11, not 18 ) already has experienced this dilemma. ( In 100K ~ almost 5K)
For instance, if we have 500 calls through the app, it means that our approach could save 10% of these hidden victims. If we had ~2K-2/5K calls, it means that our approach was 50% successful. We are expecting after we reach 100K users in the first year, we can save ~1500-2000 children by inspiring them to seek help and connecting them to professional help. ( Related organization's hotlines )

Service Offered

CBT techniques for their thoughts and SE techniques for their emotions ( for more information look at slide 12)
We address common emotional and thought boundaries that keep a victim from opening up, we keep them engage through the story and game.
Cartoon avatars can help open up the conversation with our system.
Keyword Hashing
We use a methodology that specifically addresses the complicated emotions that a hidden victim may experience and we complete their journey with a playful and fun way to connect them to professional help.
Impact State

Our success is measured by how many children we’ve helped save, how many cases we’ve contributed to solving and how much harm we’ve prevented.
In the US alone, 1 out of 10 kids will experience sexual abuse before 18, and 60% will never tell anyone in the first year.
We are expecting that by reaching each 100K users, we can save 2K-3K children by pulling them to our platform by games and start the conversation with NLP and connect the ones who need help to the hotlines. ( Our partners )

User Adaptation
Using storytelling through a game in which the main character experiencing the same issue in a kid-friendly narrative.
Children love movements and characters
In shelters, experienced psychologists use storytelling and game to help children to open up about their traumas
Assumption: using storytelling through the app brings and keeps the children in our platform and provides enough time for us to uncover any red flags.
In my testing, children tend to continue answering questions
First: when we combined them with a story
Second result: Children tend to finish answering questions when cartoon characters interact with them instead of a human.
Proven methods through NLP

Method one
Somatic Experience therapy (SE)
Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease. Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, invasive medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the corrosive stressors of ongoing fear and conflict.
Method Two
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
It's a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.
Product Risks and Mitigation
Confidentiality concerns for our peer’s customers
Parent’s approval
Hashing …
Security: Hacking can be a big concern due to our sensitive information about children
Access to the victim's account by the abuser:
Potential solution:
NLP conversations should automatically be deleted after the user close the page.
Potential Legal issues for taking information from children by game
Questions that need to be answered
Are our target customers ( peer companies ) potential legal issues to implement our system.
We can find the answer by interviewing them before we start the production to see if we need anything in our product in order to be adaptable to their system.
Partnerships: They should be aware of our story/game to be able to conduct and continue the conversation, it needs a few hours training ( it can be online )
How many levels it would take for a child to open up?
A. Comments on these slides or reviews on these wireframes
B. Finding potential partners and learning about their rules regulations, how we can be adaptive through their platform
Three round of user testing
First round: low fidelity, 5 or 6 frames through “Invision” with just the user case, to test the scenario. On 5-8 children.
Second round: Changes based on the feedback, testing on a larger group of 25 children.
Third Round: Full features, Simple Game, few questions through NLP and connecting a hotline. Measuring efficiency.